Hello Amazing Reader,

This review is dedicated to everyone who has knowingly or unknowingly placed a limit on their lives. Truth is, God is an unlimited God and He wants us functioning in a limitless zone.

In this message, Jerry Savelle lets us know that although God is unlimited, we limit Him when we think small and speak in the negative. He narrates personal experiences of how God not only delivered him from thinking small but also how the Spirit of God finally convicts him in such a humorous and unusual way after ‘running away’ from salvation for so long.

Going to a higher level begins with your thought life

He admonishes us not to act like the Israelites in Psalm 78: 21. Although these people had seen God perform miracles in the past, but every time they were confronted with a new challenge, they questioned God’s ability by asking, “can God...?” This is a question many of us find ourselves asking whenever we need God’s intervention. The minister encourages us never to be found in this cycle, rather we should be convinced that our God can irrespective of the situation.

He is the El-Shaddai- the God with whom nothing is impossible. Therefore, we must rid ourselves off mediocrity and complacency. This is only achievable by refusing to fit into the culture of the world. Instead, we are to focus on the word of God, so we can be changed from inside out; Romans 12:2 (the message):

Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.

When I get to meet Papa Savelle (hopefully soon) 😁 I would narrate to him how God used him to speak to my moment through this message.

I hope it has the same effect on your moment.

God’s blessings always,


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